Let me repeat a basic principle in the sales and marketing world: People don’t usually buy products and services. They buy solutions to problems. And adhering [ read more...]
Vietnam is wars ago on the American landscape. Nobody associates it with winning, yet it offered one of the best and most perceptive stories about winning [ read more...]
It’s the Monday morning staff meeting, and the week’s urgent projects are on the agenda. Plenty of assignments for everyone: some that involve a few quick [ read more...]
You can’t escape rejection, But you can let it go. That requires reprogramming your mind-set. Here are some exercises that paid big dividends for me: Dissect [ read more...]
Most of us work with relatively sane people who try to behave during the eight hours or so that they’re in the office. And we [ read more...]
Real-estate operators are legendary for slow-pay practices, but I know one who hangs them all out to dry. This gentleman–we’ll call him “Bob”–was the son of [ read more...]