A computer software expert is a software expert. Not exactly. There is, for example, a Certified Associate in Software Testing offered by the Quality Assurance Institute or [ read more...]
Learn who your silent evaluators are. Find out quickly which internal candidates were passed over in choosing you for the job you have just gotten. These [ read more...]
In turbulent times and in an era where job and career changes are so prevalent, it pays to have multiple personal skills. It used to be that [ read more...]
Ron Kaufman, a friend and writer with whom I have shared a podium on occasion, provided some sage advice on what to look for in hiring. “If [ read more...]
“Living in fear of loss of job and income,” management guru Peter Drucker once wrote, “is incompatible with taking responsibility for job and work group, for output [ read more...]
Don’t build a network that looks just like you. The power is in diversity, , so diversify-starting with age. When you’re just starting out, the older [ read more...]