Much can be learned by observing how dolphins feed: First, dolphins hunt in packs. Dolphin groups, or pods, will herd a school of fish into a [ read more...]
In February 2009, Mary Printz passed away at the age of eighty-five. She was an answering service switchboard operator in Manhattan. Some of the calls she [ read more...]
Widgitronics Global Resources is about to staff its marketing director position. You are the leading contender for the job. In fact, you are the proverbial shoo-in. [ read more...]
Gatekeepers, usually so poised under pressure, have human needs just as the rest of us do. Generally they are the Type B enablers of Type A [ read more...]
If you go out of your way to get yourself fired, do it to build a bridge to your next career. According to, J.K. Rowling [ read more...]
Several years ago, a longtime friend from California called from out of the blue and asked me if I would advise him on getting his dream [ read more...]