Prioritize and specify the results expected. Don’t be trapped by misleading measures. For example, if your primary responsibility is to reorganize your department in the next [ read more...]
Make yourself indispensable. There are as many ways to make yourself indispensable as there are reasons for your boss to curyou loose. It pays to whip up [ read more...]
Walt Disney was fired from a newspaper for lack of ideas. According to Fortune Small Business, David Neeleman was fired by Southwest Airlines with a non-compete [ read more...]
You’re smart, or they wouldn’t have hired you. You’ve read the tea leaves about job and career changes, and you know how frequently they happen. The [ read more...]
A 2009 article in the Chicago Tribune says, “People who lost stable jobs in 1982 suffered from an immediate 30 percent drop in their earnings, according [ read more...]
Losing a job is traumatic, especially if it’s your first time through the meat slicer… and if your financial situation is already a tightrope walk. Because [ read more...]