The greatest trick in business is to create a breakthrough product category, like the computer. The greatest trick in marketing is to convince people that they [ read more...]
Just Show Up….You’re A Winner 80 Percent Of the time. Most accounts are won because nobody else is calling on them. Show up on time… What [ read more...]
In 2006, PC World presented an article on “The 15 Best Places to Waste Time on the Web.” I recommend you scan it. Do you recognize [ read more...]
Consider what the average body does every 24 hours: Your heart beats 100,689 times. Your blood travels 168 million miles. You breathe 23,040 times, inhaling 438 [ read more...]
Bill Grove was a legend as a salesman at 3M. He used to tell his story in his motivational talks to the troops. “I was just [ read more...]
Lombardi again, but let me try to put a new wrinkle on it. You can practice all day long, but if you don’t really know what [ read more...]