There are only two times in life when you’re really alone – just before you die and when you have to make a five-minute speech. Studies [ read more...]
In the history of the world, there has never been a city that juices itself more on ego then Tinseltown. That said, I remain a huge [ read more...]
Ethics and integrity must be the cornerstone of every sales professional’s existence. Let me tell you a true story about Professor Bonk, who taught chemistry at [ read more...]
Art imitates life. That statement is so true in what I consider to be one of the best movies of the year, “Moneyball,” based on the [ read more...]
Take the criticism, but don’t take it to heart. Realize 10 setbacks are the admission price for any major win. Analyze every failure, but never wallow [ read more...]
Herr Schwan demonstrated that walking away from the table is not just for when you don’t want to deal. Sometimes it’s the only way you can [ read more...]