Over the years I’ve asked a lot of people what makes a great salesperson, and the answers are fairly predictable: passion; persistence; personality/likeability; planning; trustworthiness; strong [ read more...]
In the May-June 2009 edition of the Conference Board Review, there’s an article with dynamite rating somewhere between TNT and megablast. The title is “Talent Is [ read more...]
Two guys are facing the firing squad. The officer in charge has just finished “Ready Aim!” and is on the verge of “Fire!” when one of [ read more...]
A preacher died and went to heaven where he noticed that a New York cab driver had been awarded a higher place than he. “I don’t [ read more...]
Will Rogers once said, “Even if you’re on the right track, you’ll get run over if you just sit there.” Knowledge is only useful when put [ read more...]
David Buck is a highly imaginative guy who is resourcefully addressing an emerging need of overwhelming importance: the career shift that will become commonplace for adults [ read more...]