Creativity certainly helps in finding jobs. I say, don’t be boring. Don’t be predictable. Don’t be just another candidate. Stand out. Be Different. Use a little [ read more...]
It all started with an innocent question at a conference where I was speaking. After I was introduced to one of the organizers, I asked her, [ read more...]
Professional managers can repeat the same task over and over, but most successful entrepreneurs can’t handle boredom. The difference in these two familiar types runs so [ read more...]
MY FIRST REAL JOB, AFTER I ESCAPED FROM PUSHING a broom–which was the core of the curriculum at the Quality Park Envelope Company’s lEarn-the-Business-from-the-Ground (actually, the [ read more...]
Our lives basically change in two ways – the people we meet and the books we read. My friend, the late Charles “Tremendous” Jones shared this [ read more...]
A third of the questions from readers are about their resumes. What should they showcase or gloss over? How should a resume be stylized or organized? [ read more...]