In his book “What the Dog Saw,” Malcolm Gladwell titles one especially worthwhile chapter “The New-Boy Network.” According to Gladwell, Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer gave a [ read more...]
When you were a kid, you wouldn’t get the pie unless you ate the peas. As we get older, it gets more sophisticated. They don’t threaten [ read more...]
I got a phone call from a Fortune 500 CEO whom I had never met. After decades of begging the government to relax their regulatory grip [ read more...]
Perhaps my all-time favorite business book is Napoleon Hill’s “Think and Grow Rich.” I recommend reading and re-reading it, perhaps even annually, to keep your focus [ read more...]
After a couple of years in business for myself, I finally reached the expand-or-die stage without sufficient capital to take the next step: a new plant. [ read more...]
There is only one thing runners really compete against–the little voice that grows louder at every split that says: “Stop.” It is, unfortunately, a familiar sound. [ read more...]