For years I have been promoting the concept that you must “humanize your selling strategy.” The short explanation for this plan is that you must match [ read more...]
Do you lack the dazzle of Angelina Jolie’s lagoon-blue eyes or the regal command of Meryl Streep’s screen poise? Come up short on George Clooney’s suave [ read more...]
New year, new you? Every year, we fool ourselves into thinking that at the stroke of midnight January 1, we will be able to make changes [ read more...]
I’ve consulted top salespeople, sales trainers and booksellers, and all concur that these volumes belong in ever serious salesperson’s collection. All are currently in print and [ read more...]
Oil magnate John D. Rockefeller once opined, “I do not think there is any other quality so essential to success of any kind as the quality [ read more...]
Were you voted “most likely to succeed” back in high school? That moniker had mixed implications. A recent survey reported in The Wall Street Journal [ read more...]