1. Scour the individual’s personal, academic, and professional background to identify someone you might know who could have influence with your target. Have your intermediary make [ read more...]
When Britannia ruled the waves, the British used to send battleships steaming up and down harbors of lesser powers as a way of ensuring that their [ read more...]
The advent of social networking suddenly made it possible for people to reach thousands and in some case millions of contacts to fulfill very specific personal [ read more...]
The average person will have at least three career changes and ten different jobs by age thirty-eight. In this era of downsizing and outsourcing, you can [ read more...]
The single biggest tool in any negotiation is the ability to get up and walk away from the table without a deal. Never accept any proposal [ read more...]
A cartoon in The New Yorker magazine showed two assistants preparing a conference room. One says to the other, “And don’t forget the little notepads in case [ read more...]