Few things are more frustrating than having to repeat yourself because the person you are speaking to isn’t listening. It wastes time – and time, as [ read more...]
In my father’s day, the traditional adornment of the reporter;s cubicle was a girlie calendar. Since he covered the doings at the state capitol, a rather [ read more...]
The devil offered all the tools of his trade, the old fable goes, to anyone who would pay the price. They were spread out on the [ read more...]
In his newest book What the Dog Saw, Malcom Gladwell includes a must-read chapter subtitled “What Do Job Interviews Really Tell Us?” Gladwell’s jarring starting point: [ read more...]
Paul was majoring in zoology at college. One semester he took a course in the study of birds – ornithology. For the final exam, Paul studied [ read more...]
E-mail and the other features of the electronic office revolution, together with restructurings and downsizings, have decimated the raks of secretaries. At the same time, coffee shops [ read more...]